Dr. Nakano
Thank you for visiting my new HP.
At Oriental Medicine Clinic, Dr. Nakano will continue to provide his services in the spirit of "Whole Heart into a Needle" with the goal of leading patients who cannot be cured by other medical treatments to recovery using the IST method founded by myself.
In addition to the seminars that have been held in domestic (LA, Santa Fe, Albuquerque) and overseas (Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Mexico) locations, I will start an IST training course with an online video.
In the fall, I plan to broadcast a video of self-healing programs including symptoms and constitutions for patients throughout the United States, so please look forward to it.
I hope that this educational video program will help distressed therapists and patients near and far.
これまで通り、オリエンタルメディスンクリニックではDr.Satoru Ozawaと共に他の医療では治らない患者さんを、私の創設したISTの方法で回復に導く事をモットーに”一鍼入魂”のサービス精神を続けていきます。
また、これまで ドメスティック(LA、Santa Fe,Albuquerque)と海外(日本、オーストラリア、スイス、メキシコ)で開催して来たセミナーに加え、オンライン 動画でIST育成講座を始めます。
1961 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1984 Graduation from Chiba University of Commerce Bachelor Of Business Administration
1990 International Institute of Chinese Medicine Graduation (Santa Fe, NM)
Attended HeilongJaing College of Chinese Medicine (Harbing)
Attended Xi Yuan Hospital - Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing)
Obtained Master of Chinese Medicine
NM Licensed Acupuncturist
1991 Opened Oriental Medicine Clinic in Las Cruces, NM
1992 National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
NY Licensed Acupuncturist
1993 Doctor of Oriental Medicine (NM)
1995 TX Licensed Acupuncturist 2000 AZ Licensed Acupuncturist
HI Licensed Acupuncturist
2013 Published the first book “A Clinical Manual of Practical Oriental Medicine vol. 1”
2018 Published Japanese ver. book “A Clinical Manual of Practical Acu-Zone Therapy”
2019 Acu-Zone Therapy DVD has been released from Idononippon (Japan).