A Clinical Manual of Practical Acu-Zone Therapy
NEW Acu-Zone Thrapy Book.
Book Info
Acu-Zone Therapy is a Palpation-Based Japanese Acupuncture method that achieves rapid clinical results for pain and internal conditions, treating both root and branch aspects of disorders simultaneously. Based on a deep understanding of the Acupuncture/Channel System, Dermatomes, the Autonomic Nervous System, the Brain Stem, and Cranial Nerve functions. This Treatment divides the body into Zones that are influenced by 26 specific acupuncture points. We use these acupuncture points alone to achieve its quick and effective results, commonly applying no more than 7 needles per treatment to provide a simple and clear healing message that the body can understand. The method also utilizes a gentle and unique "Synergy Qi & Touch" needling technique that is based on the Japanese Haso/Resonance principle.
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